Jumaat, 13 November 2009

really miz u gurlz.

Sabtu, 7 November 2009


Aku jalan2 ngan member2,coz bsok(ari ney la 13.11.09)dia balik kl. Sedih la ney skang coz jam 8pm dia pnya flight suda.! Im gonna miz u pren.. But,the shit asshole disturb(sapa2 la yg terasa) kita punya plan. Setan betul bha dorg tu,ndak bleh tengok orang senang. Time aku jalan2 dorg call aku suru pi tempat keja dorg. Aku pun pigi la,masa aku sampai sana member 1org ney mrh2,ntahapapa dia ckp.
Ntah la dorg punya masalah kita pun kena bai.! Ney semua coz BACKSTABBER punya pasal. Aku punya la benci org cam ney! Tu la pasal BANYAK CAKAP BANYAK BOHONG! Ndak tau la sapa yg betul. Then 4 ur information aku ndak heran sangat ngan masalah kamu tuh.. Biasa terjadi,tapi sapa yg backstab tu,taubat la..
Nasib baik plan aku ngan kawan aklu dapat di sambung. But,i always love my pren.

Then hari ney aku7 keboringan d rumah.! And aku pun turun la ronda2 bandar. Makan dekat public market,pastu jalan pegi jalan isatana (sandakan beb). Masa sampai sana aku punya la rindu ngan bf aku(dady i miz u lorh). Ini smua coz.!
24.04.07 never forgot this date.
Aku & Dia(M.Khairul) first meet.
Location:Jalan istana sandakan.!
So tu la pasal aku rindu gila sama dia. Tuh tempat banyak kenangan sama my hubby. Tapi,aku teingat masa tadi tengah hari,aku sms dia. Masa tuh dia baru abiz sembayang jumaat! Alhamdulillah dia solat ari ney. So,aku tanya la dia `Dady ada doa tuk kita ka?'. Then the answer `teda yunk.. Hehe'! Bastard,malu aku. Rupanya aku sak yg berdoa tuk hubungan kami ney. Tapi aku tak kisah la pasal tu,yg aku kisah mcm aku plak yg terhegeh2 sama dia.. Malu siot aku tanya dia soalan tuh tadi.. Tapi biarla,mungkin dia ada cara sendiri untuk hubungan ini.
Leaps tuh,aku pegi pasar. Aku dapat la sms dr dia `mumy d mana?',aku kasi tau la dia aku d pasar. Ndak sampai 10 minit,dia sampai. Lepas dia ambik something,dia sayang(kiss) la aku,aku tengok2 sak dia,aku rasa dia cam berubah & aku rasa dia jauh dari aku.. But i really love him! I cant live without him. I love u dady!


u suck bebeh=(


Im feel loosing something in my life..
Enjoy life,no desperate,no war & nothing to say about this life. Tak pernah terfikir something about loose,other people sacrifice..
Im not innocent.
Im not strong girl,but why me?? Napa harus aku yg berkorban then harus fahami kamu..
Seandainya kehidupan ini with honest,apperciate,caring aku xkan begini..
My sacrifice xda siapa yg hargai,. Sabar,tabah,berkorban,smua aku lakukan untuk orang di sekeliling ku,but nothing else apperciate my sacrifice..
Willing to sacrifice fulfill the order in future u have peace 4 life..
Aku sayang kamu,kau,you,dia,korg. Sebab tu aku sabar n tabah..

Then last night,i having some spirit..
Ya,i want to be NUR KASIH.
Yes i will..

Rabu, 4 Mac 2009

Saya sangat cinta sama ini orang.. Sayang dia sangat2ketat..
I love him,His love me too.. We Cannot be separated..
I cant live without him all the way..
I can show u are the one..
Coz u are my true love..
dont tell me that u will leave me n dont walk away from me..

To all gurl out there.. Dont u dare take him from me,ad faham ka.. Blah sana cari JANTAN lain..!!

Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

Its not easy to blogged,but i cant give up.. I'm feel bored n want other people know what my feeling.. I want continue my study but i cant..
Anyway,for my good future i will change everything that happen in my life.. Its kinda hard but fun and feel something new in my life.. Well,u all know what now??

My life,yeah absolutely my life.. Full with challenge coz bukan mudah nak mengubah sesuatu keadaan.. Thats a simple words but i think the words makes my life go on so easier..

I will make change with my life.. Yes i will,no matter hows hard its will change everything in my life.. Fer the good future,yes i do..

Anyway,what will happen in my life i always "tak boleh hidup tanpa mereka". ">Mereka ialah..
My hubby< Md.khairul aka Aneng,ilovehim sangat2 ketat.. Teramat SAYANG dan CINTA dia.!
Our parents< me and him.
Our siblings sis and my bro< siblings is everythings..
kawan-kawan< Malyn,Adeq,Aney,Diella,Iena,Fashazalynda.
Phone me,telewise,mall+form 5 SMK DPG< Love Buddy.

About my Self..
18 .
perempuan . huduh . hitam . kurus . rendah.
ALREADY TAKEN of course .
suka TGI FRIDAY's .
benci COPYCAT .
suukaaa perfume si DIA :) .
aku tak HAWT , aku tak MENAWAN . but listen up you whore , being myself makes me feel like a pretty-pretty bitch !
benci aku ? back off . can spit directly to your face anytime lahh slut ! ;p
P/S : If you're not sure , then ask me . If you're not agree , then argue with me . But , don't sit still and judge me when you don't even know me .

Only God can see us what we are actually doing. If we've been good or bad. I think im BAD!

Sabtu, 7 Februari 2009

Memori tercipta..

sa miz dis time..

Ney pic masa last spm n last skull 2007 MERDEKA TIME!!.. Dis time hepi gila.. Baju,tudung,beg,kasut,semua kena sain2.. Miahaha,best 0wh.. And part paling sad bila pasney x p skull liek.. B0red tul.. Miz my skull SMK DPG(danger part generati0n),0ur cikgu,kawan2.. toink toink toink..